What's new on Hiver

Hiver strengthens team collaboration and business communication across email, live chat, knowledge base, and voice communication within Gmail.

new feature
June 27, 2023

Introducing SLA Reports

View SLA metrics for a shared inbox under the new SLA Reports available in Hiver Analytics. Keep track of team performance and ensure service level agreements are met for individual shared inboxes.

With SLA reports, the following metrics can be tracked for a shared inbox:

First Response Violations: The conversations where the first response was not sent within the FRT SLA time violated the SLA policy.

Resolution Violations: The conversations that were not resolved (marked as ‘Closed’) within the RT SLA time violated the SLA policy.

First Response Compliance: The percentage of conversations sent within the FRT SLA.

Resolution Compliance: The percentage of conversations sent within the RT SLA.

Each of these metrics will show an individual graph for a selected time period and users can also use filters to check for conversations with a filtered set of values.

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Changelog Roadmap