What's new on Hiver

Hiver strengthens team collaboration and business communication across email, live chat, knowledge base, and voice communication within Gmail.

new feature
May 18, 2022

Introducing Hiver SLAs 2.0

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Service level agreements (SLAs) help you stay on top of your customer emails and provide timely resolutions. Hiver's revamped SLAs are designed not just to keep your customers happy but also to help your team succeed. Now, you can create the right amount of urgency and visibility on conversations which need immediate attention and proactively prevent SLA breaches.

Here's a snap of the exciting new additions that you can look out for-

  • View when SLA is due on individual conversation and Gmail list-views
  • Get notified when SLAs are about to get breached on any conversation
  • Easily distinguish between First Response Time (FRT) and Resolution Time (RT) SLAs
  • Quickly access all your Overdue & Due soon conversations using Hiver default views
  • Manually remove SLA on specific conversations to prevent anomalies
  • Escalate conversations & automatically update SLAs
  • Boost your customer experience and fast-track your teams' performance by setting up Hiver SLAs! 🚀

Learn more about this feature here.

Note: This is being rolled out in batches.
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